Dressing Forceps | Veterinary | GerVetUSA Inc
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Dressing Forceps

Dressing Forceps are multi-purpose surgical instruments used for dressing wounds during veterinary surgical procedures. Predominantly, they are used to hold small objects such as gauze and other dressings. Moreover, they can also aid in removing infected or necrotic tissue or debris from the wound. There is a wide range of Dressing Forceps including Tissue Forceps Thumb, Tissue Forceps Potts-Smith, Adson Brown Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Tying Platform Adson Tissue Forceps Tungsten Carbide, Russian Tissue Forceps, Adson Dressing Forceps Serrated, Dressing Forceps Potts-Smith, Brown-Adson Tissue Forceps - Fenestrated Handles, Adson Tissue Forceps 4 3/4", Tissue Forceps 5 1X2th, Color Coated, Carmalt (Splinter) Forceps 4 3/4", Adson Forceps, Micro, Iris Tissue Forceps, Plain (Splinter) Forceps, Debakey Adson Tissue Forceps 4 3/4" 1.5mm Tips, Tissue Forceps Semken, Bonney Tissue Forceps Teeth 7", Adson Dressing Forceps, Serrated, 4-3/4" lightweight, Fenestrated Handles, Lahey Vulsellum Forceps 3X3 Teeth 6 1/4", Ferris Smith Tissue Forceps 2x3 Teeth 6 3/4", and Adson Bayonet Dressing Forceps Serrated 8 1/4". The ergonomic handle allows perfect grip and precision control during surgeries.

Showing 1 to 5 of total 5 results
Dressing Forceps 10cm Straight Delicate

Dressing Forceps 10cm Straight Delicate

$239.95 $167.97

Dressing forceps are ideally designed for dressing wounds in veterinary surgical procedures. The del ...

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