Pluggers and Spreaders | Small Animal Dentistry | GerVetUSA Inc
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Pluggers & Spreaders

A Dental Spreader is used for the lateral condensation of root canal fillings. Whereas, a Plugger is used for the vertical condensation of root canal fillings. There are numerous instruments in this range such as Res Plugger H-1, Plugger Extra Long Straight, Holmstrom Finger Plugger Removable Handle, Holmstrom Spreader Single Ended, Holmstrom Plugger Single Ended, Holmstrom Plugger Spreader, Black Amalgam Plugger, Marquette Amalgam Plugger 0/1, and Spreader Extra Long Straight. These plugger spreaders are used for packing and filling materials into the cavity for preparations. Available in various lengths and sizes.

Showing 1 to 10 of total 10 results
Amalgam Carrier Mini 1.5mm + 2mm

Amalgam Carrier Mini 1.5mm + 2mm


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Holmstrom Plugger Spreader Kit

Holmstrom Plugger Spreader Kit

$212.50 $191.25

The Holmstrom Plugger Spreader kits include various tools that aid in dental filling procedures. In ...

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