Wild West Vet (WWVC)
Be a part of this year's WWVC at the Peppermill Resort Casino in Reno, Nevada from October 18th to 21st. Gain a potential of 36 CE credits in a mere 3.5 days, engage with networks with fellow professionals!
18 Oct 2023
Update on Mitral Valve Disease
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Canine valvular disease is the most common cause of heart disease and heart failure in the dog.This lecture hour will review recent advances and updates to the clinical management of this disease specifically.
Speakers: Amara Estrada, Professor of Cardiology - University of Florida
How to Deliver the Newest and Greatest in the OR- A Recent Lit Review
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM
This provides the attendee an overview of the latest journal articles in the previous 5-6 years that
highlights what’s new in peri-anesthesia care. This includes studies regarding medications at home
before surgery, the use of low-flow anesthesia, the use of CRIs, the use of opioids and a review of the
ISFM guidelines for cats in 2022
Speakers: Vanessa Aberman, Director of Medical Quality - Modern Animal
Case Studies in Mitral Valve Disease
5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
All stages and risk factors for mitral valve disease will be presented and discussed as a case based lecture predominantly.
Speakers: Amara Estrada, Professor of Cardiology - University of Florida
19 October 2023
Speaker: Heidi Lobprise, Veterinary Dental Specialist - Cibolo Creek Veterinary Hospital
Senior Dentistry – For an Optimized Healthspan
6:00 PM - 6:50 PM
The anesthetic risks of providing senior patients with adequate dental care can be minimized with pre-operative assessment and protocols. The benefits of providing such care impacts the entire patient.
Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Dental Instruments?
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
Review of equipment and instruments that are needed for efficient dental care of patients, client education and operator comfort.
Perfecting the Dental Radiograph
9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Taking dental radiographs are necessary for each dental procedure, so here are some tips for taking challenging ones and evaluating what you take.
Common Complications: Dental Extractions
5:00 PM - 5:50 PM
Even with enough time and the correct, sharpened equipment and skills, complications happen with extraction. Elevating root tips, retrieving lost root tips and managing broken mandibles are part of the process.
20 Oct 2023
Diana Hassel, Professor, Equine Emergency Surgery & Critical Care - Colorado State University
Indications for Abdominal Paracentesis and Use of Point-of-Care Devices in the Field Colic Patient
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM
In this case-based interactive session, Dr. Hassel reviews the key indications for abdominocentesis and the use of point-of-care laboratory data in the field setting.
The Emergent Equine Laceration
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM
This will be an interactive, case-based presentation focused on the management of a variety of wounds in the horse with special consideration of management in the field setting.
Transrectal Palpation in the Equine Colic: What am I Missing?
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
In this lecture, Dr. Diana Hassel reviews the secrets of palpation per rectum in the diagnosis of a variety of conditions in horses, with an emphasis on colic diagnosis.