Earn Hands-on Veterinary CE at the NAVC Institute
May 21-26, 2023 | Orlando, FL
The NAVC Institute offers an unparalleled opportunity to obtain hands-on skills training from world-renowned presenters. Our small classroom sizes mean personalized instruction, allowing you to develop expertise in one singular topic. Get “the in” with the NAVC Institute and join us for a week of immersive hands-on learning.
Courses for Veterinarians
- ABVP: Ace the Exam!
- Comprehensive Dentistry
- The ECC Practicals: Next Level Skills for Next Day Application – General and Advanced Courses
- Exotics: Increase Your Confidence!
- Practical Orthopedic Surgical Techniques
- Practical Techniques in Soft Tissue Surgery
- Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound
Courses for Nurses/Technicians
The ECC Practicals: Next Level Skills for Next Day Application
Exotics: Increase Your Confidence!
Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound
Course Description
This is an extensive, hands-on course covering everything from basic ultrasound concepts and principals of image manipulation to fine tuning scanning techniques for smaller parts of the small animal abdomen such as adrenal glands and lymph nodes. Participants will go through a series of lectures and guided workshops to become familiar with the normal appearance of all abdominal organs as well as common pathology and how to recognize it sonographically.
Groups 1 – May 21-24 | 30 CE credit hours
Groups 2 – May 22-25 | 30 CE credit hours
Group 3 – May 22-26 | 32 CE credit hours
Please Note: Due to popular demand, NAVC offering three courses running concurrently, covering the same material. When you register, please indicate your preferred course:
Learning Objectives
After completing this program, you will have:
- Become familiar with normal sonographic appearance of the small animal abdominal anatomy
- Become familiar with the sonographic appearance of common pathologic
- findings in the small animal abdomen
- Learn the basics of ultrasound probe selection and orientation and image
- manipulation, and work on fine-tuning image optimization
- Develop a systematic approach to complete abdominal ultrasound
Course Leaders
- Erin Porter, DVM, DACVR, DACVR-EDI
- Martha Moon Larson, DVM, MS, DACVR
Additional Instructors
- Audrey Billhymer, DVM, DACVR
- Robert Cole, DVM, DACVR
- Robson Giglio, (credentials tbd)
- Philip “PJ” Hamel, DVM, DACVR
- Elodie Huguet, DVM
- Elizabeth Huynh, DVM, MS, DACVR
- Danielle Mauragus, CVT
- Jeff Ruth, DVM, DACVR, DABVP
- Reynsen Shigemoto, DVM, MS, DACVR
Exotics: Increase Your Confidence!
Veterinarian Course: May 22-25, 2023
30 CE credit hours
Veterinary Nurse/Technician Course:
May 22-24, 2023
22 CE credit hours
Course Description
This course will help you take your knowledge and skills in exotic animal medicine to the next level. The focus will be on applicable, practice-building information in commonly seen exotic animal species, including pet birds, small mammals, and reptiles. Regardless of your current skill level, you will find this one-on-one intensive learning experience with our highly knowledgeable instructors will rapidly expand your technical and medical comfort zone with special species. From our interactive classes to our hands-on workshops, this transformative professional development experience is the best way to make substantive strides in elevating your level of medicine with non-traditional pets.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this course, all attendees will:
Have acquired the knowledge and skills to be confident of their handling, physical examination, and husbandry recommendations for commonly kept birds, small mammals, and reptiles.
Have gained the ability and confidence in making diagnoses based on exam findings, imaging, and ancillary diagnostics in a variety of non-traditional pets.
Feel confident in offering treatment and prognostic recommendations for commonly seen abnormalities in exotic animal pets.
Demonstrate the technical skills and knowledge necessary to provide critical care to select special species.
Additional Learning Objectives for DVM Course
At the conclusion of this course, all attendees will also:
Learn and implement techniques for managing dental disease in rabbits and rodents including equipment use, dental trimming, and extractions.
Practice surgical techniques on a variety of exotic species.
Course Leader
- Jennifer Graham, DVM, DABVP (Avian/ECM), DACZM
- Grayson Doss, DVM, DACZM
- Krista Keller, DVM, DACZM
- S.Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM
- Marie Rush, DVM, DACZM