Veterinary Dental Forum 2023
New! Exhibit Hall Days/hours
Wednesday, October 25 Th
8:00AM - 5:00PM Vendor Set-up
6:00PM - 8:00PM Welcome Reception
Thursday, October 26 Th
9:30AM - 6:00PM Exhibit Hall Open
8:00AM - 5:40PM Breakout Sessions
9:50AM - 10:20AM Break in the Exhibit Hall
12:10PM - 1:30PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
3:20PM - 3:50PM Break in the Exhibit Hall
Friday, October 27 Th
9:30AM - 4:00PM Exhibit Hall Open
8:00AM - 5:40PM Breakout Sessions
9:50AM - 10:20AM Break in the Exhibit Hall
12:10PM - 1:30PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
3:20PM - 3:50PM Break in the Exhibit Hall
Saturday, October 28 Th
9:30AM - 2:00PM Exhibit Hall Open
8:00AM - 5:40PM Breakout Sessions
9:50AM - 10:20AM Break in the Exhibit Hall
12:10PM - 1:30PM Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
2:00PM - 8:00PM Exhibitor Tear Down
5:40PM 2022 Conference ends
6:00PM - 8:00PM Farewell Social Attendees & Sponsors
Conference Hotel Information
The Galt House Hotel
140 N. Fourth Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40202