Pack up for AVMA Convention 2022
AVMA Convention is back after a long wait! AVMA Convention 2022 will be entertaining you this summer in historic Philadelphia from July 29 to August 2. No matter your background or interest, this meeting has something for you. This is a perfect opportunity for you to meet veterinary professionals. We welcome you to gain an educational edge through best-in-class CE – including hands-on labs and workshops, panels, and lectures taught by veterinary experts. This is a chance to broaden your network with colleagues and make new friends. Enhance your veterinary career by discovering new products and services.
Tired of the day-to-day routine. Then, step back and rekindle your energy and passion for veterinary medicine. You are getting a golden opportunity through customized CE tracks, so take advantage and deepen your professional connections.
We look forward to hosting you in the "City of Brotherly Love!"
In-Person as Well as Virtual Attendance
No need to be concerned if in-person attendance is not possible. Because we are offering a virtual convention option once again, over 100 CE sessions are streaming online for attendees. Streaming sessions will be available on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Courses will cover various topics, which you can view in the CE Schedule. Just click Search/Filter and select Live Streamed from Convention Center into Virtual Platform.
All live streamed sessions will be recorded for the virtual platform. Recordings will be available through October 31, and as an attendee, you can receive CE credit for them until that date.
All states generally accept AVMA CE credits, but you should confirm specifics with your state board. Make sure to visit www.aavsb.org/dlr to locate the detailed CE license renewal requirements for your state veterinary board.
Something for Everyone
Immerse yourself in the most comprehensive veterinary CE. AVMA Convention will have it, no matter your area of interest or focus.
Our tracks cover content areas:
- Companion animal medicine
- Food animal/equine
- Interactive labs and workshops
- Practice management
- Professional development
- Public and corporate practice
- Veterinary technology
Our Safety and Medical Measures
AVMA's priority is to provide attendees with a safe environment at Convention. We will follow CDC guidance and comply with state and local public health requirements. We are aware of health concerns with the continuously evolving COVID-19 situation. We will closely monitor requirements in Philadelphia city and update our protocols accordingly. Your health and wellbeing are of utmost importance to the AVMA.
Daycare Facility
AVMA Convention truly cares for you like a family. AVMA offers childcare options and multiple lounges for those needing a quick and convenient private spot. Hence, as a parent or caregiver, you have the best opportunity to learn and fully participate.